
Il Workshop si svolgerà alla "Sala Nullo Baldini", Palazzo della Provincia di Ravenna, Via Guaccimanni, 10, Ravenna.
Il Workshop prevede una mezza giornata dedicata alla presentazione delle attività di trasferimento tecnologico della Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Germania), del CERN (Svizzera) e dell'INFN (Italia) e una giornata dedicata alla presentazione degli sviluppi più recenti nel campo dei rivelatori di radiazione e alle esperienze e necessità industriali.

Il programma è dettagliato nel seguito.

November 11
 15:00-15:15Welcome addressesProf. Andrea Contin, Dr. Horst Wenninger 
15:15-18:00Keynote Speeches
 15:15-16:00Research - Technology - IndustryProf. Dr. Karsten Buse (Fraunhofer, Institut IPM (D)) (ABSTRACT)
 16:00-16:40Knowledge Transfer Activities at CERNDr. Giovanni Anelli (Group Leader, CERN KT Group (CH)) and Prof. Manjit Dosanjh (CERN KT Group (CH)) (ABSTRACT)
 16:40-17:20Knowledge Transfer Activities at INFNDr. Andrea Vacchi (Resposible TT INFN (I)) (ABSTRACT)
 17:20-18:00Pure and Applied Physics and the EU EconomyProf. Colin Latimer (University of Belfast (UK) and EPS Executive Board) (ABSTRACT)
November 12
9:00-12:15Topical review talks
 09:00-09:45Review of microelectronics and detectorsDr. Erik Heijne (Fellow IEEE, CERN PH Department, also at IEAP of Czech Technical University Prague (CZ) and NIKHEF, Amsterdam (NL)) (ABSTRACT)
 09:45-10:30Molecular imagingDr. Julia Jungmann (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (CH), formerly at AMOLF, Amsterdam (NL)) (ABSTRACT)
 10:30-11:15PET technique and applicationsProf. Dr. Alberto Del Guerra (University of Pisa (I)) (ABSTRACT)
 11:15-11:30Coffee break
 11:30-12:15Development of Silicon Drift Detectors and recent applicationsProf. Dr. Chiara Guazzoni (Politecnico di Milano and INFN Milano (I)) (ABSTRACT)
12:15-12:30Presentation by Industries
 12:15-12:30New high throughput, large area Silicon Drift DetectorsDr. Juergen Knobloch, KETEK GmbH (D)
14:00-14:30Presentation by Industries
 14:00-14:15New Silicon Photomultipliers with very high photon detection efficiencyWerner Hartinger, KETEK GmbH (D)
 14:15-14:30PIXIRAD: a new X-Ray imaging system based on chromatic photon counting technologyDr. Rolando Bellazzini, PIXIRAD Imaging Counters srl (I) (ABSTRACT)
14:30-17:00Topical review talks
 14:30-15:15Applications of Diamond DetectorsDr. Erich Griesmayer (CERN - EMCE (CH)) (ABSTRACT)
 15:15-16:00Detectors in Diamond Light SourceDr. Nicola Tartoni (Diamond (UK)) (ABSTRACT)
 16:00-16:15Coffee break
 16:15-17:00Quantum Dosimetry and Directional Visualization of Radiation in Space with Timepix DetectorsDr. Carlos Granja (Czech Technical University, Prague (CZ)) (ABSTRACT)


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